Chateau Montelena’s Estate Cabernet Vineyard

Chateau Monetlena vineyards_s

Bo Barrett pulls off the dirt road at the far end of the estate. We step out of the truck and into the shade of a large oak tree, looking back towards the winery over a field of Cabernet grapes planted in 1974. The weather is hot but a gentle breeze is just enough to keep my skin cool. Bo comments, “Our property is unique in that we have all three types of Napa soil. Volcanic, which is up on the hill, the rocky, alluvial soil where water once flowed, and the sedimentary valley floor. Vineyards need to stress to a certain extent to produce great wine. That’s why planting in these soils work so well.”

2 thoughts on “Chateau Montelena’s Estate Cabernet Vineyard

  1. Jean, it was a beautiful, serene place to sit in the shade for an afternoon of watercoloring. I had a great time there!

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