Sonoma Coast, California

The WorldWideSketchCrawl 30 was today and My wife and I drove out to the Sonoma Coast for inspiration, food, and fun in the sun. Northern California is a great place to live because every year in January we get a mid-winter break from the cold and rain. Today the Temperature was in the low 70’s and there was barely a breeze. Even at the coast, the weather was terrific. No Jackets required.

Along the way, we had lunch in Guerneville at a restaurant called Boon. We chose seats out on the patio to enjoy the view and weather. I ordered boon burger with grass fed beef, fiscalini aged white cheddar + wild arugula on a toasted milk bun with house-made parmesan herb chips for only $11. Marilyn ordered a wild arugula salad with fennel, lemon vinaigrette + shaved vela dry jack ($8). We shared. We laughed. We had a great lunch. Now if we could only get them to turn the music of Nirvana down a notch or two . . .

After our leisurely lunch we landed at Goat Rock beach along California’s Sonoma Coast. We were able to take off our shoes, walk in the grass, and let our minds drift in and out with the tide. I painted two watercolors. What a great way to spend a Saturday. Can we do it again tomorrow?

5 thoughts on “Sonoma Coast, California

  1. Thanks Peter, it was a day to remember, that’s for sure.
    Here’s hoping for some good weather for you too!

  2. I’m enjoying your blog so much! Your sketches have a loose quality that I love. These watercolors are wonderful. I’d love to be able to use watercolors as well as you do. Maybe one day.

  3. Thanks Joyce! I’d suggest that if you like to use watercolors then paint! I bet there is someone else looking at your watercolors and wishing the same. If you are lucky, your abilities will never reach a place of total contentment because it is that hunger to be better that creates the desire to improve and keeps your art interesting. So don’t worry about where you are, You’ll never reach that illusive goal of “being there” because it’s a mirage. Enjoy painting what ever your abilities, it’s such a pleasure!

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