“An Illustrated Journey” by Danny Gregory Book Cover


Danny Gregory’s new book “An Illustrated Journey” will be published late February 2013, and I am excited to be one of the contributing artists. You can pre-order the book on Amazon and all the contributing artists can be seen on Pinterest. I’m a big fan of Danny’s previous book, “An Illustrated Life” which gave me the inspiration to travel and sketch in Greece. (My book can be found here).

6 thoughts on ““An Illustrated Journey” by Danny Gregory Book Cover

  1. Glad to see your wonderful artwork on the cover of Danny Gregory’s new book! I’ve already pre-ordered the book…….

  2. Thanks Cathy! I can’t wait to get a copy myself but I’ll just have to wait till February.

  3. Thank you Luisa! I haven’t seen any of the interior of the book so I’m very excited to see it too.

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