Burning Man Sculpture: Lord Snort

lord-snort_sGeyserville, California is the new home of Lord Snort, a sculpture created by Bryan Tedrick for Burning Man 2016. The swine weighs aprox. 20,000 pounds and is over 20 feet tall and 30 feet long. Though I didn’t go to Burning Man this year, I was happy to see my favorite sculpture from the event displayed (at least temporarily) so close to home.

Sketched on location in graphite, colored pencil, brown and black ink, and watercolor. Aprox. 4 hours.

Fishing Boat Runs Aground on Sonoma Coast


Last weekend while driving up the Pacific Coast Highway, I spotted a fishing boat that had run aground south of Salmon Creek. While I braved walking across the hot sand, my wife stayed at the car and overheard two men talking about the incident.

Apparently, the captain of the boat was drunk when he grounded the 54-foot fishing vessel called the “Verna A II.”A surfer spotted the boat At 2:30 in the morning and helped the captain ashore.

When the authorities arrived, the captain was arrested because of a previous warrant for his arrest. But the man escaped while making a trip to the restroom.

A few hours later, the police found the captain buying more booze at a local store.

Luther Burbank Center for the Arts

Luther Burbank Center for the Arts_nb_sLuther Burbank Center for the Arts, located on the north side of Santa Rosa, is ranked among world’s top 100 performing arts presenters hosting performances in music, theater, dance, comedy, family programming and renowned speaker events. It is one of two major performing arts centers here in Sonoma County, the other being the Green Center at Sonoma State University. We’re lucky to have both of these great venues to showcase world class entertainment. Most recently we saw Lilly Tomlin perform here and we regularly see performances by the North Bay Stage Company.

Dormer at Cornerstone Sonoma

Dormer from carnegie hall_s

Sunset magazine now owns Cornerstone Sonoma (town of Sonoma, CA) and they plan on using it for their test gardens. The Cornerstone Gardens showcase an ever-changing series of gardens with innovative designs from international and local landscape architects and designers. It’s a wonderful place to visit and is free to the general public. I sketched this dormer that was originally from Carnegie Hall. How it made it here is any body’s guess.

Luther Burbank Home and Gardens

Luther Burbank Gardens_s
Luther Burbank Home and Gardens is a city park in Santa Rosa, California that contains the former home, greenhouse, gardens, and grave of noted American horticulturist Luther Burbank. Born in Lancaster, Massachusetts, he spent most of his life in Santa Rosa. It was here that he did most of his plant-breeding experiments. Plum trees, a common crop back in the early 1900’s, were one of his specialties and he introduced over 800 new variety of plants in his lifetime.
This was sketched last weekend with my sketch group Ready, Set, Sketch! I used Ink and watercolor in a hand-made sketchbook.