Impressions of Wine Country

Impressions of Wine CountryI am proud to announce the publication of my new book, “Impressions of Wine Country”. In this book, I talk with a number of winemakers and grape growers to uncover the artistry of viticulture and viniculture in this unique area of the world. It is both a story of how wine is grown and crafted from the vine to the glass and a picture book containing over 170 of my watercolors (drawn mostly on location). Travel with me as I explore the seasons of the vineyard in Northern California.

The Artist on the Road: Impressions of Greece

The Artist on the Road book

Amazon has just put my book “The Artist on the Road: Impressions of Greece” on sale at 46% off! I don’t know how long it will be available at this price (it could be permanent). Pick up your copy today!

Bonus! Anyone who purchases (or have already purchased) a paperback copy of “The Artist on the Road” can download a FREE ebook version (epub or pdf) of the book. Please email me for details: Richard(at)Artstudios(dot)com.

“An Illustrated Journey” is Now Available

An_Illustrated_Journey_painted_SI’m excited to announce the publication of “An Illustrated Journey” by Danny Gregory. I was one of 40 artists, illustrators and designers chosen to collaborate with Danny on this book about travel sketching. I received my copy today and have just flipped through the pages of the new book. It’s a great collection of sketch artists from around the world. Pick up your copy today!

“An Illustrated Journey” by Danny Gregory Book Cover


Danny Gregory’s new book “An Illustrated Journey” will be published late February 2013, and I am excited to be one of the contributing artists. You can pre-order the book on Amazon and all the contributing artists can be seen on Pinterest. I’m a big fan of Danny’s previous book, “An Illustrated Life” which gave me the inspiration to travel and sketch in Greece. (My book can be found here).

(My) eBook on the iPad

After much work I’m excited to announce that my book The Artist on the Road: Impressions of Greece is finally available as an ebook! (I was even able to include my handwriting font so it looks more like the original sketchbook design.~ iBooks doesn’t display my handwriting font at the present time.) I love the way double tapping an image expands it to the entire screen. It’s now available in the US, UK, France, Germany, Australia, Canada, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Replublic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portgal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, and Switzerland. Check it out!

Click here to see it on the Apple iBookstore.

Ebooks maybe the future but sometimes it’s still nice to have a paperback. The paperback book is available on Amazon.