Espresso-to-Stay in Thebes

While in the town of Thebes, I notice a nearby coffee shop with an older man in the back and a young girl working the counter. I could use a good cup of coffee. As we enter the shop, I nod to a couple of Greek men drinking coffee and chatting it up on a couch in the corner. I walk up to the girl at the counter, say hello, and politely ask in English for a cup of coffee-to-go, but unfortunately, she doesn’t understand me. This is the first time since I’ve been in Greece and encountered a language barrier. I suspect it happens often when traveling off the beaten path. With a few smiles and gestures, I’m able to communicate my order, or at least I think I have. Instead of the coffee-to-go I requested, I actually get an espresso-to-stay. I probably look a little surprised when she hands it to me, but I smile and thank her. Ah well, my fault for not speaking Greek. It’s a delicious espresso with an almost sweet, nutty flavor and includes a glass of water with a little piece of chocolate on the side. This break offers a moment to pause during this busy day, stay off the crowded streets, and slow down enough to enjoy the moment with a luscious, rich, and foamy espresso.