West Side Road


While driving along West Side Road just outside of Healdsburg today, I noticed all the grape vines in the vineyards have been pruned. The vine’s thick, black trucks are all that remain, contrasting against a sea of yellow mustard. The weather was unseasonably warm so I parked roadside and sketched this scene while sitting under a tree.


8 thoughts on “West Side Road

  1. You bought an overcast day to life in your sketch. Love the colors and there is so much to keep me coming back to look again at your sketch!

  2. Thanks Cathy, glad you enjoy the sketch. It was a beautiful day in spite of the clouds. Really warm! It was nice to get out and sketch. Hope to do it again soon.

  3. Yes I did, thanks for noticing! Yep, I’ve been out in the garden today digging up those pesky weeds so we can start planting our garden. This year we’re going to expand into cantaloupe and strawberries. can’t wait!

  4. Thanks very much Cheryl! I don’t usually post photos of the places I draw for comparison but I thought it would be fun this time.

  5. Oh, I wish I could have spotted you along the road. We were on our first trip to the CA Sonoma Valley in February and I loved it. What a beautiful state and we enjoyed seeing it so much. Now that I know that you are there and we are back in PA I will love seeing CA through your eyes.

  6. Thanks for the comment Diane and I’m glad to hear you had such a good time here while visiting. Yes, I agree, this part of the world is very beautiful and I feel lucky to live here. I’m happy to hear you’ll be following along with my and my many adventures. Sometime later this year, probably in September, I’ll be rereleasing my second book and it will be about wine country. I’ve been working on it for the last 18 months or so and I’m looking forward to seeing it in its final form!

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